Schedule an Onsite Appointment at Your Business Office and We’ll Help You With All of Your Needs


What makes TechServ special is we specialize in the hospitality industry. We’ve been in your shoes and know what it’s like to have your feet in the fire.


Our goal is to provide an experience that is tailored to your company’s needs. Every business is different. No matter the budget, we pride ourselves on providing quality, professional customer service.


When you work with us, you are working decades of technological expertise. If you’re having a problem – we’ve seen it and know how to fix it!



TechServ’s base of operations is in the North Florida area, where we service areas like Lake City, Gainesville, Ocala, and Jacksonville. We also reach out to places near Tampa, Orlando, Tallahassee, Valdosta, and Atlanta.


We focus on catering to the needs of restaurants and other businesses who need high-quality technical support but aren’t large enough to warrant having their own IT Departments. We’re large enough to provide the muscle you need, but we aren’t so large that you’re just a number lost in a database. TechServ already helps over 100 restaurants navigate the digital age.

-will you be the next?

Frequently Asked Questions

Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.